Monday, March 26, 2012

Question regarding DataSet file (xsd) like the ones used on 3-teir design tutorial

Hi everyone,

I have a question. I am using a DataSet file as my data layer in my app. I'm trying to create a event TableAdaptor where one of the queries has two paramaters (@.start & @.end). Those two variables are used to search for items that have start dates that fall in between the two.

Every time I try to use this, the smart tab always brings up three paramaters (DataTable, start as date, end as date). How the hell does that DataTable get thrown in there. I executed the query in the builder section and it only asks for the two variables.

Any idea on this one?


A dataset is a collection of datatables|||

That part I knew, I'm just wondering why it's asking for it. I've created numerous tableAdapter and this is the first one that inserted a variable I don't need.

Here is the query I'm using inside the xsd, as you can see I only have two variables (@.start & @.end), so why does it generate a third variable of type DataTable?


( SELECT eventCategoryName
FROM eventCategories
WHERE eventCategoryID = events.eventCategoryID
) AS eventCategoryName
FROM events
WHERE (eventStartTimeDate >= @.start AND eventStartTimeDate < @.end)
AND active = 1



Is the DataTable variable generated for the Fill method of DataTable? If yes, it is by design.

The Fill method needs to know the destination the select data flows to. In this case, you will need to supply an argument of DataTable type.

HTH. If this does not answer your question, please feel free to mark the post as Not Answered and reply. Thank you!

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