Monday, March 26, 2012

Question regarding backup of 2005 database to 2000.

I know it's not possible to backup a database in SQL2005, and restore to 2000. But, I've been asked if there are any 3rd party tools which can do this - such as SQL Litespeed - but I can't see anything regarding this on their website.

Does anyone know if litespeed or Redgate SQL Backup can restore to 2000 from 2005 ?

Thanks in advance,


You can do the following:

1. In SQL Management studio, generate the database script, you can specify that script be generated for SQL 2000.

2. Create the database and tables using the script.

3. DTS or SSIS the data from SQL 2005 tables to SQL 2000 tables.

4. Create the table contraints like indexes and foreign keys using the script generated in step 1.

5. Create rest of the objects.

hope that helps.


|||No. Every tool I have seen does a TSQL "BACKUP DATABASE" command to their own virtual file/drive.

The structure has changed and views, etc which are not compatible with 2000. There is no way to "backup" a 2005 and restore to 2000.

As mentioned you can create a script and output all the data and import it back into 2000.

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