Monday, March 26, 2012

Question regarding C#

Hi All
I have following questions regarding C# Assembly and Threading.
Let me know the precise answer or lead me to the proper materials.
1. Is memory leakeage possible in .Net Manager Code ?
2. Is memory leakage possible in .Net Unmanaged Code ?
3. How can I find the what % of memory is being used by DLL at run time ?
4. What is difference between Sunchronous processing and Async
processing in .Net ? How can I achieve it ?
5. Can any one lead me towards Multithreading GUI development in Winforms ?
6. Difference between Delegate and Event ?
7. Is there any specific Design Patterns specifically for WinForms ?
Awaiting reply
Silent OceanHi
You may want to ask this in one of the microsoft.public.donet.* groups and
not here in the SQL Server one.
Don't multipost as that is the quickest way not to get an answer.
Mike Epprecht, Microsoft SQL Server MVP
Zurich, Switzerland
MVP Program:
"Silent Ocean" <> wrote in message
> Hi All
> I have following questions regarding C# Assembly and Threading.
> Let me know the precise answer or lead me to the proper materials.
> 1. Is memory leakeage possible in .Net Manager Code ?
> 2. Is memory leakage possible in .Net Unmanaged Code ?
> 3. How can I find the what % of memory is being used by DLL at run time ?
> 4. What is difference between Sunchronous processing and Async processing
> in .Net ? How can I achieve it ?
> 5. Can any one lead me towards Multithreading GUI development in Winforms
> ?
> 6. Difference between Delegate and Event ?
> 7. Is there any specific Design Patterns specifically for WinForms ?
> Awaiting reply
> Thanks
> Silent Ocean

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