Friday, March 30, 2012

Question with SQL String

I have this code below to parse the string ''00120212~pendin~mod pen~ria te~3/6/2007 3:51:49 pm'' into Multiple columns.

Here is the code, but the code is splititng the columns incorrectly.

I need it to appear as

col1 col2 col3 col4 col5
00120212 pendin mod pen ria te 3/6/2007 3:51:49 pm
Can someone pl assist with this code below.


DECLARE @.str varchar(8000)
SET @.str = '00120212~pendin~mod pen~ria te~3/6/2007 3:51:49 pm'

DECLARE @.columns TABLE (
col1 varchar(8000)
,col2 varchar(8000)
,col3 varchar(8000)

SET @.str = LTrim(RTrim(@.str))

DECLARE @.col1 int
,@.col2 int
,@.col3 int

SET @.col1 = CharIndex('~', @.str, 0)
SET @.col2 = CharIndex('~', @.str, @.col1 + 1)
SET @.col3 = CharIndex('~', @.str, @.col2 + 1)

INSERT INTO @.columns
SubString(@.str, 2, @.col1 - 2)
,SubString(@.str, @.col1 + 3, Len(@.str) - @.col2 - 4)
,SubString(@.str, @.col2 + 3, Len(@.str) - @.col3 - 1)

SELECT * FROM @.columns

You may find Jen Suessmeyer's Split function to be very useful for this situation.

Split Function (Jens Suessmeyer)


Please check out the link below:

It contains few TVFs that can be used to split a string based on a delimiter. You can use it along with PIVOT for example to get the individual values easily like:

SELECT p.[1], p.[2], p.[3], p.[4], p.[5]

FROM split_str(@.str, '~') AS t

PIVOT (min(t.value) for t.idx in ([1], [2], [3], [4], [5])) as p

Alternatively, you can do these type of operations easily on the client side and send the values individually. This way you can use SQL for what it is supposed to do.


This is by code below, Delimiter is ~. I need to split the values, into multilple field , based on the ~ being the delimiter. How do I loop throu this string, until the end of the string, and then split it one - by-one into multiple fileds? PL ADVISE?

Declare @.Str Varchar(1000),@.I Int

set @.str='0001232~PENDING~MOD PENDING~Trad Jane~3/29/2007 5:03:30 PM~0001232~PENDING~MODIFICATION PENDING~ Jane Delder~3/29/2007 5:05:06 PM~0001232~PENDING~Approved~ Mon Savy~3/29/2007 5:05:27 PM~0001232~PEND'
SET @.str = LTrim(RTrim(@.str))

DECLARE @.columns TABLE (
LoanNum varchar(8000)
,ConvertedFromStatus varchar(8000)
,ConvertedToStatus varchar(8000)
,ConvertedName varchar(8000)
,StatusChangedDate text

DECLARE @.col1 int
,@.col2 int
,@.col3 int,
@.col4 int

SET @.col1 = CharIndex('~', @.str, 0)
SET @.col2 = CharIndex('~', @.str, @.col1 + 1)
SET @.col3 = CharIndex('~', @.str, @.col2 + 1)
SET @.col4 = CharIndex('~', @.str, @.col3 + 1)
--print @.col1
--print @.col2
--print @.col3
--print @.col4

INSERT INTO @.columns
Left(@.Str, @.Col1 - 1),
SubString(@.Str, @.Col1 + 1, @.col2 - @.Col1 - 1),
SubString(@.Str, @.Col2 + 1, @.col3 - @.Col2 - 1),
SubString(@.Str, @.Col3 + 1, @.col4 - @.Col3 - 1),
SubString(@.Str, @.Col4 + 1, @.col4 )

--Select @.I = 0

SELECT * FROM @.columns

|||Does the Split function I previously posted for you not work properly?

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